Sunday, 16 March 2014

Visual Culture - The Renaissance.

Hieronymus Bosch

A painter from the Netherlands is a very famous painter from the Renaissance era. His subject as many great pieces from that era was of the Church and religion. The time of his work was very strict on who was allowed to create art and of course the subjects were very strict.

Hieronymus' paintings were full of humour and surrealism. All of his paintings created narrative and would always hold particular meaning.,-(detail-of-The-Eye-of-God-which-Sees-the-Committing-of-the-Seven-Deadly-Sins).html

The image above which was created for a table top is based on the Seven deadly sins. From what looks a very colourful is actually telling of all humanities downfalls. Quite obvious messages when the painting is studied.

Another of his famous pieces which is a humorous piece of work is 'The Conjurer'. It shows a magician performing to a group of people while a pickpocket is stealing from one of them.

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