Sunday, 16 March 2014

Ancient Egyptian to this day is still recognised for it's religious beliefs. Wether it be for the amazing paintings on Papyrus or their unexplainable architecture. Although dating back past 3000BCE their visual communication lives on in a broad scale of things in contemporary life.
Modern jewellery pays homage in a number of different ways to Ancient Egypt.

Egyptians had around 2000 Gods for a manner of different parts of their life. Believing that everything that happened to them was a direction from a particular god.

  • Anubis.
"Since Jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed Anubis watched over the dead."

Anubis is a well known religious figure who is still used in many different ways today.

(Image and quote:

The Egyptians were very visual when it came to recording religious practice. The weighing of the Heart is one that was famously recorded. We can see from the painting that the Heart was weighed against a feather. The Hieroglyphics have been translated to tell the story, The Heart of the dead is weighed against the 'feather of truth'. Should the heart be lighter than the feather, the dead will pass on to the next world. If the Heart was heavier it would be eaten by the monster that was, part Lion, part Hippo and part Crocodile.

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